Commuting Towards Iran

I just finished a magnificent graphic novel my sister got me for my birthday, the famous Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. So I've been thinking about Iran. But I don't think I am alone. The President's lite pardon of the Vice President's man, I. Lewis Libby indicates a future for Iran in the headlines. The Washington Post just finished a multi-part story on the villainy of the Vice POTUS Cheney. The story gained such traction that the Daily Show has already presented three parts of it's undisclosed number of part series on Dick Cheney, "You Don't Know Dick."

It's a good start. But even this increased scrutiny wasn't enough to dissuade Bush from following the course set for him in his private top secret meetings with the Vice POTUS. So while we keep hearing rumblings of dissension in the Bush Administration, Cheney holds the reins. Meaning Iran is still on the table. If the Vice POTUS can still get his friends out of prison, then he can still imprison the country in another war. We're already behind on the schedule for his new American Century.

And Persepolis is required reading for understanding the price of war.

Wikipedia on Marjane Satrapi,

Satrapi's career began in earnest when she met David B., a French comics artist. She adopted a style similar to his, especially in her earliest works. Satrapi became famous worldwide because of her critically acclaimed, autobiographical graphic novels Persepolis and Persepolis 2, which describe her childhood in Iran and her adolescence in Europe in an intelligent and engaging portrait of everyday life.

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